Here’s what Arjan had to say:

February 17, 2022

On innovation

Innovation within a corporate organisation can be hard to accomplish. How to get started? What is needed to bring your ideas to the next level? 

A good starting point is the innovation horizons model of McKinsey (for an elaborate explanation, read here). This model can act as a blueprint for balancing attention and investments over short term and longer term innovation opportunities. Interesting discussions took place on the areas where treasurers are innovating and on what ‘horizon’ to focus on. 


On TreasurUp’s journey

Arjan shared TreasurUp’s journey since it was brought to life in 2016. TreasurUp was founded on the idea to make foreign exchange hedging faster, easier and more secure. After listening and observing hundreds of treasurers, Arjan and his team learned that there were many more areas in corporate treasury that could improve. Thus, TreasurUp gradually evolves in a broader solution for corporate treasury. 


On upcoming features

Treasurers that were not yet familiar with TreasurUp’s white-labeled bank platform and its additional mobile functionalities were impressed and had many suggestions on what to develop next. As cash flow forecasting remains a top priority among most participants, in the coming months TreasurUp will further explore how to deliver value in this area.